Books by Walker available online

Murder in Peachtree City
353 pages. 58 year old Duncan Robertson is a semi-famous Scotland Yard detective who is also an accomplished Scottish piper. He has come to Georgia where he will be an instructor at a southern regional bagpiping workshop. His friend and local host is a colleague who is an agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. He begins to help his friend to investigate the murder of a housewife in Peachtree City. She has been killed by a blow to the head when she is conducting her amateur witchcraft on a golf course. During the course of two or three weeks, the facts and the strange motives and sinister back-story ( including an unsolved earlier murder in Avebury, England) involved are uncovered.
Also available on Kindle and Nook
Soldiers of France
This book is based on a realistic, complete dream the author had in Bayeux in (2008) . It is narrated by an old, old veteran of WWI to his great granddaughter in about 1988. Local and French color and attitudes.
Drafted French soldiers are gathered in La Rochelle in 1915. They are not enthusiastic about going to war. The shy, awkward, country boy is jealous of the popular, Jackie Gleason-type soldier in his unit who makes money on the black market and is a gourmand and raconteur. The boy betrays him to the authorities, and the man is brought before the court on the day the unit is to be put aboard busses for the short ride to the train station. The shy character sets up a cry to wait for Louie and the man appears accompanied by two policemen. He has bribed his way out and is going to the front with his comrades. There are scenes at the front in 1916 when all are gas-blinded and surrounded in the fighting at Verdun; Louie rallies the men’s spirits in a heroic and black-humorous manner.
After the war the boy reverts to type, betrays the man again, but is forgiven by him.

The Gift
Containing 90 distinctly different poems, The Gift was first published in 2007. Mr. Chandler’s first poetry collection is divided into the following sections: The Black Fig, The Passions of Youth, Manhood, Courtrooms, Songs ,Toasts & Verse, A Bit O’ Humor, Family &Friends, Farewell. An outstanding collection of thoughtful poems written and revised over a period of 42 years, The Gift has “something for everyone”—including an Appendix with some comments and explanations.
Second Sight
Mr. Chandler’s second book of poetry, containing some 101 different poems, is again one that is divided into sections according to subject-matter. The sections are: Passages (literary ); On Writing ( inspiration and the craft of writing); Never Too Old (love poems for older folk); Crossing Over (life, death, and the hereafter); After Burns ( about or in the manner of Burns); Politics and Man ( political) Toasts & Tributes (verse). As also in The Gift, there is also an Appendix to help the reader clarify meanings and intentions.

Radium Springs
This is a four-volume series of over a thousand pages that tell of the fantastic history and powers of Radium Springs near Albany, Georgia,. The story is one that includes the ancient, pre-Columbian nature of what the Indians knew as The Well of Living Waters, the disastrous invasion by Spaniards in 1540, the long traditions of healing medicine men at the Well, slavery times, the advent of the American Civil War and its aftermaths, the developments of society that impacted the region, and includes the narrator’s accounts of racism, revenge, murders, trips to Europe, use of peyote and magic mushrooms, shamanistic practices, and accounts of both the Great War, the Second World War and the years in between.
Paradise Orchard
Story of love and unconventional and sometimes erotic behavior and attitudes among young, middle-class marrieds in a small community in rural Georgia in the late 1970s. Themes include the dangers of adultery, lust for the main character’s sister-in-law, which evokes his reflections upon the many women he has known in the past (including girlfriends in England, Italy and Africa) as well as his sometimes-current lover and those of his friends. There is even some thought given to their all keeping up appearances in the community. Life in rural and small town Georgia in those days.

The Evangeline Manuscript
Originally self-published in 1997, this is a 521 page “manuscript” of a modern American woman from South Carolina who throws in with two Englishmen who have a flying boat in which they have come forward from the Spring of 1939 to the US of 1972. With them she travels back in time to 27AD. She narrates her adventures as she travels through the Mediterranean world, eventually ending up in Judea at the time of the crucifixion. Themes include love, ancient cultural and historical information, self-defense, ancient drug use, ancient religions.
A Lady’s Home Journal
A simple, charming, upbeat, Christian-but-modern book written in the first person by a chipper, southern, 50 year old black wife of a dentist. She decides to write a chapter for each day for a month. Thus each chapter has a distinct message, is short, and has a happy ending. Themes are: family, work, reading, music, scouting, diet, exercising, belief, confidence, friendship.